1.As he toddled round the run-down family farm in the hills near Cologne, he would hit things with it to see what sound they made.
2.I bundled him up in my coat and put him in the pickup truck for the short ride back to our small family farm in rural Idaho.
3.In his three years there, he made good money and returned to Myanmar to invest it in the family farm.
4.Your father would turn over in his grave if he knew you were going to sell the family farm .
5.She lived reclusively with her mother at Andalusia, the family farm in Milledgeville, Ga.
6.But as we wandered past rooster pens and over loamy soil at the Konrad Family farm, I began to believe him.
7.Family members said she helped around the family farm as a teenager and ran off to Reno, Nev. , to marry Vivien Cook several years later.
8.He was a devout Christian, she recounted, whose father died when he was in college and who had struggled to save the family farm.
9.To count on the small family farm as an important thing in the American future now looks like betting on the wrong horse.
10.Mr. Suzuki, with the 450-year-old family farm, has quadrupled the land he tills to 16 hectares, most of it rented from retired farmers.